This may seem strange to some. It is a tribute to the right knee I was born with as I muse about it on the night before total knee replacement surgery. This has been a long, physical, emotional, spiritual, contemplative, painful journey for many years, bringing me to this decisive and timely point in my life. I want to honor this part of my body which has faithfully served me and carried me through many seasons. I am grateful.
God gave you to me and you’ve served me well,
to now sing your praises, your story I’ll tell.
A cruel injury started your painful demise,
still we worked together your strength to arise.
You’ve carried me places, we’ve walked and we’ve run.
We’ve swam a great distance, o’er six decades done.
I’ve knelt down upon you while worshipping Him,
when praying in anguish for friends or for kin.
You’ve worked hard to carry, though crooked and pained
and yet you persisted, you worked not in vain.
I now seek to bless you in poem and in song.
You’re valiant, courageous, fearless and strong.
So I bid you adieu, friend. You’ve done nothing wrong.
I’ll honor and thank-you all my life long.
Post script: I had successful total right knee replacement surgery on May 11, 3 1/2 weeks ago. This is my first attempt to create since before that event. To have the energy to post this now is significant in the healing journey. Thanks for reading. Please leave your response comments following this. Blessings.
3 replies on “Ode to My Knee”
Beautifully said, well-honored : the service of that knee AND well-stated, what it allowed you to do and be…
a swimmer, a walker, a runner, to kneel…
May this one be doubled blessed as you completely heal.
Much love,
Thank-you for taking the time to dive into this piece and bless me with your words, friend. I appreciate the English teacher in you. I bless you and your eloquent way of expressing and bringing verbal strength and edification to me.
An elegy is a sad poem, usually written to praise and express sorrow for someone (or some-thing) who is dead. Although a speech at a funeral is a eulogy, you might later compose an elegy to someone you have loved and lost to the grave.
Your “Ode to My Knee” was so sweet! I deem it an elegy, (see above definition). It is interesting that I’ve never heard anyone give honor and praise to their knee before, but with you, Christine, it makes perfect sense! Your knee has served you well, and now is at rest forevermore, and a new knee has taken ownership in your leg…I wonder what new adventures you and your new knee will attempt next! God only knows! Bless you dear friend, and your new knee too! <3