Photo by Marius Cuchez courtesy of “Moon Maiden”
So today, half of my wintered backyard is melting to grass and illuminated by the sleepy sun peeking over my neighboring woodlands. The other half remains covered by a blanket of friendly February snow. This white delight offers the perfect packing texture for my grandson to discover grandma molding a snowman’s head. Indeed I feel like a granddaughter again myself as we walk around the perimeter of our own wonderland, breathing in actual winter warmth of this friendly sun.
I notice on social media a beautiful visual message exclaiming that “Spring is only four weeks away.” It shows a simple “snow drop” flower pushing up through a snow covered woodland floor. The sun is showing through in the distance with the very substance of hope palpably experienced as this scene is viewed.
As marvelous as this is, I do not want to miss living in the present moment of this February wintered splendor. This day has its own glory to encounter. I fully embrace it and allow it to stir deep creativity within me.
Like the seasons of our lives, nature’s cycles have their own revelations and nuances to offer. It is wisdom to stop, listen, look, feel, trust. The time of winter’s hiddenness covers our souls if we let it. It provides re-creation, rest, refreshment, and new vision. It prepares us for the time of uncovering and manifestation soon to come in our lives.
Take time today to embrace the lingering time of winter wonder and you may find your own glory silently being restored. Live fully in these wintering moments that will never come again and you will find the innocence of childhood breathing through you once again.
Spring will come with its own glory. When it does, you will be ready.
4 replies on “Wintering Deep into February Thoughts”
To be sitting in a restaurant where I have just finished my meal, having had company for awhile but need to leave came before me.
I sit alone after some insightful exchanges were had, and know He is turning my winter into an emerging spring … as others remind of the love that has been shone in recent days.
Indeed seasons…much to lay ahold of, much to realize in the light of the day He provides.
I love your words.
I love you.
And I learn to love what I don’t always appreciate but for the words of a poet.
You too have the soul of a poet, my dear friend. I am so grateful for this long coming soon to arrive spring in your life. Indeed you are a lifelong learner on so many levels, keeping your heart young in midst of rich wisdom. I also love your words. They are living and active and powerful, like Someone we know and love. Thank you for coming alongside of me here, your heart responding to mine. You are a gift to me…always and ever.
Is it OK if I just say..
“Yupper and Amen!?”
Yes, my Florida friend. Yupper and amen is wonderful…just like you. Love you.